Wayne Tomblinson as
an amateur photographer enjoyed taking a variety of subjects on
and off through the years. It wasn't until he was 59 that he became a
fire ground photographer.
A Real Estate broker in a small town of a population of 5000 for the last
ten years, he became
a fire ground photographer due to a friend who is the editor of the local
newspaper "The Keene Star." He asked Wayne
if he would shoot some action scenes of the Keene Volunteer Fire

for the newspaper. This was two years ago.
His first photos were with a "point and shoot" camera. After
a few "jobs" Wayne was
hooked. He then invested in a Minolta Maxum HTSI Plus camera and a SH
0095 flash.
Since then, his hobby has grown into 3 main sections.
First providing 11 Fire Departments in Johnson County with photographs.
Secondly, sharing
these "moments in time" through the publication in the weekly
paper and the daily paper in
Cleburne. Thirdly in October, 2002 he started a website to share his images
with the World.
His website www.amazingfirephotos.com receives requests for the use of
his pictures from
not just the USA, but from foreign countries as well. He now covers all
of Johnson County
for fire action photos and has recently purchased a Nikon F100 camera,
a Tamron 28 - 300
lens and a SB 80DX flash unit.